Carry on...

On the street the other day I walked behind a man carrying over 200 balloons on his way to an event. I have tried to carry TEN balloons at one time to a party and had difficulty. Please, one man and over 200 balloons!
Carry on was all I could think of at the time. Just carry on. No matter the situation, circumstance, problem, challenge or obstacle- just carry on. One step, one turn, one block at the time.
Carrying on has been a theme for me many times in my life. I distinctly remember the 8 months of chemotherapy while fighting breast cancer that required daily 'carrying on'. I made a big sign that hung in my bedroom counting down the treatments. I celebrated every time I came home to mark one more "over and done" while I carried on to the day I could cross off that last treatment.
Carrying on is a part of the human experience. All of us encounter times when facing another day or season of difficulty is challenging. I know people who have pouted and complained every step of the way, I am sure you do too. And, I have been blessed to know people who have gracefully and humbly traveled their challenge every step of the way. I am sure you do too. They are gifts to us all.
When my husband was facing his last weeks and days of life I watched in awe how sublimely and elegantly he faced the inevitable. He quietly and calmly carried on. I will forever be grateful for the lessons he taught me in how to accept life as it comes, let go of expectations, hang on to faith, live in the present and carry on.
So, its Monday. A week ahead. A week of challenges, obstacles and circumstances. May you carry your 'balloons' one step at the time, one turn at the time and one block at time. I'll be praying for calm winds for you!